Thursday, March 4, 2010

Humans Do Their Best and Let God Do The Rest

I have decided all my 8 choices in UPU and 4 choices in USM. Before I choose my choices, my parents, especially my father kept on asking in what field I will be working in after I graduate if I choose that course, how much money I will make and stuffs like that. It's deniable that the main purpose we work is to earn money, but the problem for this moment is not about future. I don't even know whether I will get the courses I want in Uni. So why think so much.

My mother kept on ask me to become a teacher so next time can open a kindergarten or day care centre. The problem is, I don't like to become a teacher!

After thinking back, I've decided my choices.
1. Bacelor Sains (Pengajian Makanan) - UPM
2. Bacelor Sains dan Teknologi Makanan - UPM
3.Sarjana Muda Sains Makanan dengan Kepujian (Sains Makanan dan Pemakanan) - UMS
4.Sarjana Muda Sains Makanan dengan Kepujian (Teknologi Makanan dan Bioproses) - UMS
5.Sarjana Muda Sains Makanan dengan Kepujian (Perkhidmatan Makanan) - UMS
6.Sarjana Muda Sains Makanan (Perkhidmatan Makanan dan Pemakanan) - UMT
7.Sarjana Muda Sains Makanan (Teknologi Makanan) - UMT
8.Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Kepujian (Kimia Sumber) - UNIMAS

1.Sarjana Muda Sains Kesihatan (Kepujian) - Pemakanan
2.Sarjana Muda Teknologi (Kepujian) - Makanan
3.Sarjana Muda Sains Gunaan (Kepujian) - Biologi Gunaan
4.Sarjana Muda Sains Gunaan (Kepujian) - Kima Industri

There are too many uncertanties. I can't predict the future nor can I know which course is the most suitable course for me. I don't know what will I be and I don't know how much money I can make. All these are beyond my understanding, intelligence and conqure. The only things that I can do now are leave all these problems to a greater person to solve, God, have faith in Him that He knows what is the best for me, have faith that He will guide me and learn how to accept His will.

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