Friday, April 17, 2009

Mammalian Dissection

our mice b4 the experiment.. They're sleeping

Ravi and How, the heroes of the day!

Our mice continue to sleep, but this time is a long long sleep.....

Pra-UA1 girls!

Lui sat sao!

First position b4 dissection

The first layer, which is the skin and fur is cut open

Then, slowly cut the abdominal part to observe the digestive system.

Tie a string to the xiphoid cartilage and stretch it upwards to observe the liver.
The small intestines are separated from the large intestine and the ceacum. The small intestine is placed at the left side of the animal to observe the mesentries.

Then, move the small intesine to the right side of the animal to observe the veins

After that, slowly and carefully cut away the rib cage and pull the sting below to observe the respiratory system.
Be carefull not to cut the blood capillaries!

Remove the heart and lungs along with the esophagus.

This is the heart, lungs and esophagus!
I took 3 hours ++ to finish dissecting it and it was only a practice! After the dissection I get headache and felt very very tired.... Teacher said it's because of the choloroform wor... For those who haven't do the experiment, please be prepared and good luck hahahahahaha...

1 comment:

Shirley said...

OMG,u post out this kind of scary thingy!!!!