This is Kanda Emi, 17, a Japanese exchange student from Osaka. Staying in Iandy's cousin's house currently. Iandy brought her along to play badminton with us last Wednesday. In Malaysia, when we go for exercise, we will wear a T-shirt, a pair of shorts, a pair of short socks and a sport shoes. However, Emi wore something different from us. She wore a pair of super short and tight shorts and a pair of long black socks. It's exactly what we saw in the Japanese movies, mini skirts and long black socks (till the knees). We comunicated in English and she will refer to her digital dictionary if she is unsure of a word.
She is a nice person. We kept on ask her to transalate some phrases for us in Japanese hahaha... These are some phrases she tought me:
Hi, watashino namae wa ShanMei desu
Hi, my name is Shan Mei.
Nihon no eiga to anime ga suki desu
I like to watch movie and anime.
Watashi wa jyu u kyu u sai desu
I'm 19 years old.
Watashi wa Malaysia kara kimashita
I come from Malaysia.
dou gan - baby face
namakemono - lazy
kuruteru - crazy
omnanoko - girl
otoukonoko - boy
I really like Japanese a lot. Someday, I will take a Japanese language course and master it! LOL