Friday, September 16, 2011

Chapter 2 ~

After 4 months of long break, I'm now back in USMKK with a new status. I'm in 2nd year now! Time really flies. I still can't really accept that I'm in my 2nd year hahaha... At first, I thought I will homesick till death after the long break, but no! I don't feel any homesick! This is so weird. I'm too busy for homesick. There are too many things waiting for me out there and I barely have time to rest, and this is only the first week of my 2nd year >< Well, hopefully I can settle most of the things by this month hahaha...

If you have followed my blog, you will know that I aimed for Dean List in my 1st year. Well, I made it! I scored 3.77 in my 2nd semester! Although my average CGPA is still not Dean yet, I will continue to study hard this year! It's just a little more hahaha!!! Aim for Dean List again this semester! 

When I get to know who are my new roommates, I was like "Hallelujah! Praise the LORD!". God answered my prayer after 1 year. I prayed for a Christian roommate when I was in 1st year but God gave me 3 Malay roommates. This time, I didn't pray for anything but God gave me 3 Christian roommates! T.H.R.E.E, 3! Other than that, I saw that God gave me a very important task, that is to bring one of my lost roommate back to God again. If the three of us can't even bring one lost lamb back to God, we are failures, totally! So, please pray for my us ^^. 

God let me understand 2 things in the beginning of my 2nd year. First, He listened to my prayer, but he answered it later, as He has a bigger and better plan for it. I must have faith in Him and wait patiently for His answer. Secondly, I now understand why God didn't let me be chosen for CONVEX and PPSL. I once prayed to God that if He thinks that I can cope with all the works then let me be chosen, otherwise just let others take my place. At last, I didn't get either one. I was quite disappointed and a little emo when I knew I've rejected by HEPP for PPSL. But now, I understand God's will. He has His own well-intentions, He really 用心良苦 hahaha... He knew that I will be very busy with other stuffs and so CONVEX and PPSL will make me even busier. Lesson learnt: Every decision God made is for our own good, and it is the BEST decision ^^.

Facing my 1st year Nutri juniors the other day really made me think of my first year. Full head of questions and uncertainties, asking silly questions, being shy towards seniors and full of complaints. I'm glad that I'm able to help them out ^^. Hope that all the 1st years are able to get used to this new environment and get to know each other very well. For the first time our Nutri course has 1st years, 2nd years, 3rd years and final years together! May our Nutri family builds a better relationship among each other. 

4 months is enough for me to lost all my stamina and flexibility. My wushu skills has regressed! I'm not as flexible as before, and I get tired very easily! Now that Wushu Intro Night is just around the corner, we have to practice every single day T.T My accumulated lactic acid cannot be replenished as fast as before and I'm having muscle pain now T.T Now I understand this long Chinese proverb which I don't understand before "天降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行指乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。——《孟子》".

After all the long sharing, my goal for this new year is still the same, Dean List!!! Study hard, study smart and enjoy my uni life! がんばって。

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