Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Beginning of 2nd Semester

Maybe I had had a long holiday (1 month ), I felt weird when I come back to my university. I try to keep myself as busy as possible as when I'm alone doing nothing I will feel like going home... Home sick again, haiz.... I really cannot imagine what it will be like when I come back to USMKK at next year's September after 4 months of break. Thanked God for occupying me with loads of activities, trainings and practices for this sem. For now I'm busy with Christmas Night tambourine practices, after that will be CNY torturing wushu practices, and finally, it's time for end year exam. Actually there is so little time for me in this sem. 

Apart from all the activities,  have to cope up with my studies too. Didn't did well enough in the previous sem, have to put in more effort in this sem. Although it's quite impossible for me to get 1st honour for my 1st year, I will still not give up trying! So friends, please don't ask me out so frequently k, I have a lot to catch up >< And I pray to God to conserve my heart and help me to focus on my studies = It's time to cut down on FB XD Furthermore, quite impossible means still got chance, there is still hope XD Just have to put in more effort and have faith and trust in God, then nothing is impossible! As the bible says "I can do all this through him who gives me strength 我靠着那加给我力量的, 凡事都能做" ~ Phillipians 4:13. Dean list here I come!!!!!!!

Just a few pictures to encourage me and my friends ^^

Is this Misaki???

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